오토실리콘 채용공고


[경력] Safety Engineer

페이지 정보

• Deployment of functional safety for technical and business engagement with internal engineering teams, customers and ecosystem partners
• Analysis and development of functional safety features in semiconductor products
• Approach and review of the safety concept or hardware architecture in accordance with safety requirements including customer requirements
• Technical review and confirmation of safety mechanisms against random hardware faults
• Safety analysis (qualitative and quantitative) – FMEA, FMEDA, FTA, DFA
• Configuration and documentation management for all functional safety products
• Coordination and support of confirmation and verification review with internal teams or departments
• Engagement and coordination for product certificate from top-tier global certificate body satisfying requirements of “independence level 3” as defined in ISO 26262 up to ASIL-D.
• Improvement of the proprietary functional safety management(FSM) processes against systematic faults
• Acquisition of personnel certificate of functional safety engineer from top-tier global certificate body for functional safety competency
• Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in electrical engineering or comparable.
• Fluent communication in English or Chinese (verbal & written) plus German skills
• Experience in semiconductor product development, understanding in automotive industry incl. ISO 26262, IEC 61508 (desirable)
• Friendly communication skills and tender personnel characters
• Familiar with ISO 26262 (or comparable standards) including safety analysis
• Experience of development and success of production in semiconductor chipsets
• Proficient skills of ALM(application lifecycle management) tools to implement and improve development process
• Personnel global certificate for functional safety engineer
• 자사양식을 이용한 메일 지원 (hr@autosilicon.com) 




이용약관 개인정보처리방침
회사명 : (주)오토실리콘
서울 본사 : 서울시 강남구 봉은사로 619(삼성동 JBK타워), 3층
대전 연구소 : 대전시 유성구 테크노2로 314, 3층
TEL : 서울 본사) 02-3446-0725, 대전 연구소) 042-488-8036
FAX : 서울 본사) 02-3446-2630, 대전 연구소) 042-488-8035
E-MAIL : 기술/영업 : sales@autosilicon.com 인사 : hr@autosilicon.com